Hello Symphony Church!
Due to the expected snowfall, we’re adjusting our service schedule for tomorrow, Sunday, February 9th. Instead of two services, we will have one combined service at 11 AM, and the location is moving from Paradise Rock Club to the Symphony Church Office. Children's ministry will be provided, and the service will be live-streamed on our website.
If you will be driving in, we anticipate that street parking will be difficult. We recommend that you try parking in the Boston University Langsam Garage, located at 142 Gardner St, Boston, MA 02215.
College Students
For all college students (except those at Boston University), we'd like to ask you to gather together on your respective campus and join us for worship via the live-stream. You should be hearing from a couple family group leaders with an update on the location.
As for all BU students, you're welcome to join us in the Church Office.
If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. Otherwise, stay safe, and we look forward to worshiping together!
God bless,
Pastor Mike