"And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need."

Acts 2:44-45


To be a Spirit-empowered community of one heart and soul that shares the resources that God gifts us. (Acts 4:42-47)


The purpose of the Benevolence Fund is to meet the essential needs of the Symphony Church community. The Benevolence Fund is a financial safety net for families or individuals if savings/investments, assistance from family and/or friends, or government programs are not able to meet their needs. It is intended to be a temporary help during a time of crisis.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I ask for help?

  • Please first share with a safe person at Symphony, so we can grow into a community that has one heart and all things in common! That person can be a Symphony friend, family group servant, deacon, or pastor.
  • Fill out the application form.
  • A deacon from the Benevolence Fund Committee will respond to you within a week.

What requests are approved?

  • The Benevolence Fund Committee approves requests based on funds available and criteria for eligible expenses.
  • The applicant must be a Symphony Church member, regular attender, or an individual with a meaningful relationship with a Symphony Church member or regular attender.
  • See the full criteria in the Symphony Benevolence Fund Policy.

How much can I request?

  • Up to $2,000 per year.

How can I give?

  • On the Symphony Church giving page, click on “Give Online Now” and select “Benevolence Fund”.

Can organizations apply?

  • Yes, please fill out the application form for organizations (docx / pdf).
  • The request limits are different, as specified in the Policy.


For questions or concerns, please email benevolence@symphonychurch.com.